Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's Raining at Sweet Kalamansi - A compilation of random thoughts about RAIN

RAIN...what was the obsession about it? I asked that myself over and over but I just can't seem to explain my fascination about it except it brings good and loving memories..some are happy and some are sad but it made me who I am now (good or bad). Sharing with you some of my favorite poems, images and some random thoughts about Rain..some are mine, some are given to me and some I found over the internet. I have no copyrights whatsoever on's only for my own entertainment (and yours hopefully).. It's RAINING here at SWEET KALAMANSI..let's get WET!!

The Rain
Please break up with me on a rainy day,
and meet me under a tree.
So when it hurts and I can't breath,
you’ll hear the rain, not me.
When next time it rains,
try to catch the drops in your hands,
the drops you catch is the amount,
the drops you missed is the amount,
Listening to the Rain
There is nothing quite like
sitting here observing my thought
and listening to the whispers
of my heart
i find more positively
with a pleasant feeling
listening to the rain
falling and hitting the windows
something great about the rain
that reminds me
how we love each other
with no conditions and without limits
the way you’ve showed me
to accept everything that is
as it is
the rain that falling and hitting the windows
somehow helped me in curiosity
to search for the truth of what
is all about you
with those eyes of black
like raven at night
wishing you to come back

The Rain

I am blessed again, to hear the rain.
Its tin-roof chatter, drums terrain
While droplets pepper windowpanes.
Between such bouts, life breathes again.
Trite verse, reflects in warm refrain
And strongly marks in human vein
The blessed rain … the blessed rain.
Stiff winds spawn sisters to the rain
These cyclone-progeny sustain
Swaying blooms that pock the plains.
While whole-blood kin can't restrain
Or dull the edge of nature’s pain
Neither dams nor sloughs can long retain
The blessed rain … the blessed rain.
Sun oft does battle with the rain,
This thunderous tryst ignites the chain
As powers meld, their difference wanes
Now nimbus’ tempests spread their reign
The rainbow’s radiance explains
The essence of our lives remains,
The blessed rain … our blessed rain

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