Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Yes, Love.

It took me 47 years to finally know the definition of love.

I thought love is a 2-way street, that it's a feeling between two person.
or It's what keep them together because they found love.

I thought it's about what the other person can give you.....
To make you feel special, wanted, needed, desired, loved!

I thought, I have to work hard to be loved,
that I need to be Skinny, Pretty, Sweet & wonderful to even find it.

I thought I shall never have my true love, that it was not meant for me.

I was wrong.....way too wrong!

Love is what Jesus feels when He sacrificed His life on the cross...
Love is what God feels about us when He created us in His image.
Love is when we are forgiven for all the sin we have committed against God.

You don't need to be with another person to practice Love,
You don't to expect Love in return.

Love is giving is what you can do to your neighbor..
Love is just love.....unconditional, not a two-way thing but a one-way street.

You will never find love if you keep on looking, because it's already in your heart....the more you seek it..the lesser you have it.

The more you are concerned about yourself, the more self centered you become, when you are selfish and negative about are suffocating Love.

Love is not a present to receive but a Gift to be given.

Give it away, and love will multiplies......

Love never dies....passion does, desire does, lusts does.

Love is eternal....

Love is not meant to be kept, it meant to be given. It's not a boomerang...the Love you have given cannot be taken back.

If you receive love, then the person loves you...that was not the love you have's theirs.

You don't have a choice or any right to complain when a person you care about stopped giving you love. It's their choice. Your choice is---will you keep on giving it or just stop too?

Is love a reward or a punishment?

You love a person not because they are good. You just love.

You never stopped loving someone because they changed, it is because you did.

Love has no color, no weight, no size, no price, it's free.

Love is freedom.
Love is happiness
Love is Joy
Love is caring
Love is giving
Love is helping others
Love is blind but it is not mute.
Love is sacrifice
Love is charity
Love is healing
Love is action
Love is Christ

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Thank you father God for the message today. Please help me remember it when I am being selfish and self centered. When I complain remind me Lord that Love begins with me and not the other way around. Thank you for Jesus. All Glory belongs to you Lord. praying in the might name of Christ. Amen.


/pamelarain 102914