Sunday, November 20, 2011


A couple of days ago...I faced a crossroad.
There I was standing at the falling Rain
Facing the forks on the road.....
To my left here is this life that is easy and safe
Where I will live my dreams..
and to my right, a life that is rough and unstable
It was the hardest decision I ever made 
But I did it..

I wish I had a formula to calculate the sum
I wish I am a fortune teller, so I will know the future
But I only have my heart to guide me and nothing else.
So I chose the rough and unstable road..

I already started feeling the rocks beneath my feet
Feeling the hot rays of the sun and the cold blowing of the wind.
I can feel my heart beat the extra beat..the unhealed wound starts to bleed again.
My tears started falling until I am almost blinded by them..

Then I heard your call...
That familiar sound like music to my ears....
You met me halfway and the moment I smelled you, I was home.
It hit me then....YOU never never gave up, good and bad.

I looked back the at road on my was beautiful...
I saw him standing there where he stood...didn't moved at all
In his eyes I was a failure..I failed him..I am not up to par.
I was not perfect so he gave up....

And I smiled...I am glad I followed my heart.

created by: Rain

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